{"Adminisztr\u00e1tor":"Administrator","P\u00e9nz\u00fcgyes":"Financial","Jegykezel\u0151":"Admission","Bel\u00e9ptet\u0151":"Exchanger","P\u00e9nzt\u00e1ros":"Cashier","A mez\u0151 kit\u00f6lt\u00e9se k\u00f6telez\u0151":"This field is required","Nem megfelel\u0151 e-mail c\u00edm form\u00e1tum":"Invalid email address","A mez\u0151 nem tartalmazhat speci\u00e1lis karaktereket":"This field cannot contain special characters","A mez\u0151 nem megfelel\u0151 form\u00e1tum\u00fa. Form\u00e1tum: +36707654321":"This field has an invalid form. E.g. +36707654321","A mez\u0151 csak sz\u00e1mokat, \u00fcres karaktert, pontot \u00e9s k\u00f6t\u0151jelet tartalmazhat!":"This field can contain only number, space, dot or hypen!","A jelsz\u00f3nak legal\u00e1bb 10 karakterb\u0151l \u00e9s minimum egy sz\u00e1mb\u00f3l illetve nagybet\u0171b\u0151l kell \u00e1llnia!":"The password must be at least 10 characters long and must contain at least one number and one uppercase!","A jelsz\u00f3 ellen\u0151rz\u00e9s nem egyezik a megadott jelsz\u00f3val":"Password fields are not match","Sikeres ment\u00e9s!":"Saved successfully!","Hiba l\u00e9pett fel, k\u00e9rj\u00fck pr\u00f3b\u00e1lja meg k\u00e9s\u0151bb!":"An error has occurred, please try again later!","Ez a m\u0171velet nem el\u00e9rhet\u0151":"This operation is not accessible","sz\u00e1ml\u00e1z\u00e1si":"invoice","fizet\u00e9si":"payment","Hiba l\u00e9pett fel.":"Unknown error has occurred.","A jegyes rendszer admin fel\u00fclete jelenleg nem el\u00e9rhet\u0151. Koll\u00e9g\u00e1inkat \u00e9rtes\u00edtett\u00fck a probl\u00e9m\u00e1r\u00f3l, k\u00e9rj\u00fck pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra n\u00e9h\u00e1ny perc m\u00falva.":"The admin interface of the ticket system is currently unavailable. We have notified our colleagues of the problem, please try again in a few minutes."}

Ticket system
tailored to your needs

We are aware that organizing an event is a complex task. Passeum offers a comprehensive system which navigates you from the first step to the last using our expert knowledge.
Contact us, enter the parameters of your event and feel free to leave the rest to us
Passeum is a cloud-based system which makes both offline and online ticketing easier. The system can be integrated into an existing website fitting in its present image, and handles the whole ticketing process together with onsite management, and thus you do not need to buy and operate other costy servers.
Manages all the possible ticket types
In accordance with the characteristics of the event, the system is able to manage day tickets, related tickets and passes of any kind. Besides, it is suitable to create ticket configurations like combined tickets, tickets valid for several programs, even for events organized in more than one location.
Quick and secure admission
When entering the event, the tickets can be checked and validated promptly with the help of various devices – e.g. laptop, PDA, mobile phone. The system constantly syncs with the online interface, thus the number of frauds can be largely reduced and the quality of the service can be improved.
Ticket sales statistics are available, as well as you can create parameterized financial statements based on which visit and purchasing patterns can be analysed. These reports show a clear picture of how many tickets were sold for a particular event, who registered and how the revenues and expenses developed.
Customer-friendly ticket sales
The system is transparent to both online users and on-the-spot buyers. Ticket sales are processed via a simple and easily manageable interface, which can be customised as needed.
When shopping online, the buyer will receive their tickets including barcodes via email after a successful payment. When purchasing personally, the ticket machine will print your ticket with the barcode on special paper depicting the event image.
The system also supports customer complaint and ticket refund processes.
Learn about your audience
Using their own QR codes, visitors can quickly access extended information about the popularity of the events.